We have a special and unique prayer day, on every last Friday of the month, 11:30am-4pm, where the women of the EECMYiGB gather together and put forward specific and/or urgent prayer requests before the Lord. This is a good time for the women of our Church to come together and be empowered to break the forces of evil which is corrupting the world we live in today.
During this prayer day, there is also a brunch with great opportunities for socialising and fellowship with one another.
The King’s Daughters
At EECMYiGB, we also host The Annual King’s Daughters seasonal women’s conference and trainings where we invite a variety of female guest speakers to lead us in praise and worship and in the teachings of God’s Word. This event is primarily structured for women but is also open for men to attend.
The King’s Daughters Women Ministry is under The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus in Great Britain and is aimed at helping women to arrive at what the Lord has destined for them by relying on HIS provision to achieve their goal. This ministry encourages women to search for the potential the Lord has put in them; equip them as the women in the Bible with the word of the Lord by organizing educational seminars and conferences.
The King’s Daughters Women Ministry holds seminars and annual conferences for all women of all age groups in particular for:
– Singles
– Married
– Help those who are suffering from spiritual warfare and from other problems through prayer and counseling provision.
By provision of the Bible teaching and preaching based on the true word of the Lord;
– Encourage the women to realize their potential and be a blessing to others for the glory of our Lord.
– Help the women through prayer and counseling to be touched and filled in the spirit and to walk with confidence in Jesus Christ.
– Support the women through prayer and counseling to enable them to surpass and move beyond their obstacles.
– Fellowship and work together with other women ministries to promote the Gospel.
– Enable women to have deep knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ and grow in spirit.
– Encourage women to network and have fellowship so that they will share the word of the Lord, witness effectively and experience the flow of the love of Christ among them.
– Equip women to develop in their personal lives by organizing Bible teachings, seminars and conferences in addition to The King’s Daughter annual Conference.
Please contact us for more information or email us at:
The King’s Daughters is also on Facebook